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Reclaim Your Gifts of Childhood

Joy ~ Trust ~ Curiosity ~ Connection

Join Prema on a unique journey to heal early family life conditioning. You will discover how the formation of critical mind-body patterns named “Character Structures” imprints the story of childhood into our emotional and physical bodies and gain valuable practices for helping your clients release trauma and create real change in their lives.

Wilhelm Reich, an Austrian psychoanalyst, identified five primary character types or structures within the human psyche that tend to dominate our personality. Each of us exhibits aspects from each of the types, yet we all tend to have one dominant Character Structure which we formed to help us survive the challenges of our childhood.

Healing Developmental Trauma is a deep exploration of these stages of our development and the Structures formed when core needs are not met: Safety, trust, healthy boundaries, respect for our needs and individuality, and emotionally attuned connection and support. The resulting developmental disruption or trauma is “hard-wired” into our body and nervous system. This wiring creates an energetic and somatic “armour” that shapes our bodies and obstructs the flow of life-force energy. This hard-wired program strongly affects our behaviours, beliefs and personality – beyond conscious awareness. The armour becomes a default program operating in the unconscious background, informing us how to live our lives.

In this experiential group, we will re-connect with the language of our bodies, exploring each Character Structure as a pathway for embodiment and personal growth. We will take a profoundly loving look into our childhood experiences to witness how our needs were met and not met, what we learned about boundaries, autonomy, safety, trust, connection, shame and self-worth, and how that is held in our bodies. We will also explore different methods to safely support our nervous system to release layers of “Flight/Fight/Freeze” impulses so that we can live in our bodies with greater ease and presence.


You will experience:

  • The five core stages of childhood development and the healthy requirements needed to grow from conception to age six.
  • Unique touch and movement practices to melt the armour.
  • Somatic approaches for healing boundary ruptures and restoring regulation of the nervous system.
  • Understanding shame and what is needed to support your clients to heal the wounds of shame.
  • New ways of working with developmental trauma using the body, imaginal techniques, inquiry exercises, touch, and meditation.
  • And much more!

No previous experience is required. This group is designed for anyone wanting to heal from their early life experiences and release the most unconscious layers of their personality. This group will also teach new skills that you can bring into your work with your existing clients.


Additional Information :

To facilitate your understanding of the character structures and the physiology of trauma, approximately 2 weeks before our group starts you will be sent links to pre-recorded lessons prepared by Prema. This will allow you to study and learn this material at your own pace, and give more time in the classroom for experiential exercises.
Please come to our training having watched these videos.



Start Date: 10 October, at 7 pm dinner
Finish Date: 16 October at 1 pm lunch

Kików 91a, Solec Zdrój, 28-131, Poland (2h drive North from Cracow Airport or 4h drive South from Warsaw Airport)

Our cozy BBTRS Training venue in Kikow, Poland is located 2 hours’ drive from Krakow in the heart of the beautiful Polish countryside, with stunning sunset views from our group room at all times of the year. Accommodation is shared between 2-5 persons per room, each with their own bathroom; a dorm option with shared bathrooms is also available. We enjoy 3 healthy home-made vegetarian meals per day, plenty of fruits, cakes and tea/coffee all day. There is an opportunity for the group to visit a thermal spa nearby on one of the workshop evenings (approximate cost €15). Please contact us to enquire about cost and availability of meals & accommodation for this workshop.

Total Price Accommodation & Food (3 vegetarian meals daily):

  • 460 EUR – single room
  • 410 EUR – twin bedroom in new hotel part (bigger)
  • 360 EUR – twin bedroom
  • 345 EUR – 3 or 5 person bedroom
  • 330 EUR – in dormitory with a bathroom in the corridor

The cost of accommodation may change slightly depending on the PLN/EUR exchange rate.

  • Date:

    10 October - 16 October 2025

  • Location:


  • Price:

    1250 EUR
    1050 Eur – early bird price until 1st September 2025
    Non-refundable deposit: 200 EUR
  • Teacher :

    Prema McKeever